
monet-Useful-200px.jpg ugly word even in Latin. Functional. Utilitarian. BOR-ing! Granny panties, anyone?

Choosing a visual for USEFUL was a wee bit tough. Yes, I agree that art is useful, but not shelter like architecture (see blog post on Solid). Not very romantic...reminds me of Wear It Out...Use It Up...Make It Do...Do Without. blech. How in the world could I relate that to art, let alone create a visual! Time for the Muse...

Eureka! A bridge is useful, like architecture...and Monet certainly epitomized Art! Another good combination. Cookin' with gas now! I imagine dragonflies were plentiful and I can just see me on a raft paddlin' around.

Monet's Garden is definitely Beautiful. Watch video clip below, by clicking on the image of Claude.


All knowledge is useful to some extent, if not today, then tomorrow. Some Beautiful, some Solid, but not always immediately Useful. Maybe it is about the balance...too much Useful can be boring. I guess pottery would be art that is useful.

By the way, the music soundtrack is 2nd Movement of Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2.

Stay tuned for the third and final Word in the Vetruvius Triad 

I don't think I could have done this en plein air...especially with my skill set at the time!

I can say I could smell the wisteria as I worked on this in my studio.
In Monet's Garden 
11l" x 14", pastel 

I don't think I could have done this en plein air...especially with my skill set at the time!

I can say I could smell the wisteria as I worked on this in my studio.

In Monet's Garden
11l" x 14", pastel