Life Book 2015

I have caught hints of this annual workshop for a year or so, and decided on a whim that I would 'Just do It'. As I've mentioned over the past few months, I've been exploring mixed media. This started with encaustics where anything that can be embedded in the beeswax medium is fair game. How much fun! Fibers, papers, junk mail, buttons...which led to the world of Art Journaling where much the same thing is done on paper. 

The journal is not the end product, rather a recipe book of trial and error experimentation. Color combinations, layering, mono printing, stamping, stenciling...any thing that will add texture or a layer of intrigue is the name of the game.

Life Book 2015 is the brainchild of Tamara Laporte from Willowing Arts in England. She has the most charming accent that shows her Dutch ancestry. She is also exudes an Earth Mother is all about self image. The first day of January, she jumped right in with a "warm-up" exercise. Took me TWO days to get mine done. Oh well, that, too is OK according to Tam. There are about 20 guest instructors throughout the year. I am EXCITED.

My word of the year 2015 is "DO". As in just do it. Quit reading and studying about it. I won't do a detailed step-out out of respect to Tam and all her hard work. I will say that she under promised and over delivered on the content!

I've also registered for a few other workshops similar to this one. I am determined to throw some color in 2015!
