A Cowboy Santa

"Cowboy Santa", 14" x 11", Mixed Media on Canvas

Prints of all sizes, on canvas or paper, metal, shower curtain, pillow, iphone case! Not to mention Greeting Cards!

2015 has almost ended, and has been an exciting year. Since I started playing seriously with Mixed Media the studio has been turned inside out to accommodate all the bits and pieces. I'm also a DecoArts Artist (their Helping Artist Program) and had to make room for all their product lines. Their artist quality acrylic is fantastic!

I have over 500 subscribers on my YouTube channel, and have joined the team at Canvas Corp Brands as Creative Media Muse. 2016 kicks off with a bank at CHA in Anaheim in January. 

Please continue to follow me on my Wicki-Wacky Adventures in Art!
